Community Groups 576 total

Transplant Readiness 1 topics

This group is open to anyone who has been told they need to lose weight in preparation for a transplant. It's hard enough to deal with the illness that put us on the transplant list. Here, we can support each other on our journey towards transplant! 1 topics

Last message on July 24 by NanaDeMet: Being diagnosed with an illness that requires a transplant is challenging in many ways. The emotional roller coaster for us and our loved ones is exhausting. Last year, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney Disease; which rapidly progressed to...

Friendship and Accountability 1 topics

This a group for those that want to form some online friends to support and share with. 1 topics

Last message on July 20 by Majork29: Today is going to be a long day, we have lots of smoke in the air from the forest fires north of us. I guess I should be happy that the smoke is keeping it cooler then it would be if the skies were clear. Today is going to be a rest day for me. ...


Do you know how much added sugars are poisoning us? How addicted we have become? It is time to finally say "no" to that slice of chocolate cake and say "yes" to our health and overall well-being! Notice the changes after even just a week of cutting out desserts or if you want to be more extreme, added sugars. Take back your mind and body. You can do this. I know you have wanted this for a long time, you are not the only person struggling with the modern diet. The whole reason I created this group, is because I keep slipping up. Keep going back to my unhealthy eating habits, so here is a community, where we can fight our unhealthy habits together. No one said this journey was going to be easy, but no one said you had to do it alone. It gets worse before it gets better. Trust me :) You can do this challenge for a week, a month, a year, forever. You are welcome for as long as you need the support. I believe in you! Now it is time to believe in yourself. 1 topics

Last message on July 15 by U1195852540: I think the hardest part about saying "no" to dessert isn't when I am at home. At home I can eat clean, and enjoy how good I feel. It is when going to social events, that it becomes a real challenge. It always helps to remind yourself why you gave...

Weight Avengers 13 topics

Just a great supportive group of friends here to encourage, exchange ideas and help one another meet our weight loss and health goals.All posting might say it didn't post, but it really did, so please do not post duplicates. _____________ Remember to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise or weight loss regimen! _____________ 13 topics

Last message on May 20 by AnnaChristine: Hey friends! 💕 Did you know that stress can contribute to weight gain? 🤔 It's true! When we're feeling stressed, our bodies release a hormone called cortisol, which can increase our appetite and lead us to crave unhealthy foods. 😱 But don't...

For those looking for an Active Group 5 topics

A group open to all that want an active group. Talk, discuss, swap ideas, plans and just general support 5 topics

Last message on April 3 by Belladonna3k: Fairly new on MND. I am really loving it so far. Right now I have the free plan but if things continue to go well and I continue to feel comfortable using it regularly, I will most likely upgrade to Premium. I'll be 59 this year and have been in...

Whole 30 AccountabiliBuddy 2 topics

Post here for the whole 30 you're doing for July. There is one special group starting July 10th and going through August 9th. 2 topics

Last message on March 29 by U1198563990: i over ate today and feel like i should pretend tomorroe that i ate those calories but not eat them to ocmpensate for the wight gained so that i "dont gain it"

Losing weight with Fibromyalgia and other chronic health issues 3 topics

A place to vent, to celebrate small wins (large ones too ). Share your experience, strength and hope. Ask questions, seek/offer support from others who understand what you deal with on a daily basis. 3 topics

Last message on January 20 by Survivor79: Hi! I was just wondering if everyone is still active with the app and if anyone is interested in doing like a little challenge or something? Just to get things going?

Active 50 + 3 topics

In a plateau, need encouragement, let's be friends. Share your thoughts and we can reach our goals. 3 topics

Last message on 10/15/23 by PositiveMindset: Looking at groups, many have old posting from August. Is there any activity with this group?

Strong Start - November 21 Day Reset 2 topics

21 days of coaching focusing on single ingredient foods, moving, lifting, habits and the role mental health plays in our relationship with food. 2 topics

Last message on 09/30/23 by StartStrong: This challenge doesn’t only address fitness from a nutrition & exercise perspective, we will also address motivation and mindset. For 21 days you'll receive insights, facts and inspiration to help push you to your goals.

Autoimmune with weightloss and fitness struggles but in the fight to win! 1 topics

A place for people with autoimmune disease(s) on the weight loss and health improvement journey. Share your story, share your struggle, share your wins and offer your support, encouragement and understanding. 1 topics

Last message on 09/11/23 by 2tired: I was working out with a trainer for 6 weeks. Lost about 1.5 lbs. I re-evaluated my settings and realized I set myself up to maintain my weight, not lose it. I turned Autopilot and ‘add exercise to calorie budget OFF and voila, the weight...