Losing weight with Fibromyalgia and other chronic health issues Topics
A place to vent, to celebrate small wins (large ones too ). Share your experience, strength and hope. Ask questions, seek/offer support from others who understand what you deal with on a daily basis.
Weight Loss Progress
12 members lost 4.3lbs within last week, 31.6lbs within last month, total loss is 314.3lbs.Hecknaw and U1198918356 succeeded with personal food calorie plan within last 24 hours.
Are we all still here? 1 messages
Last message on January 20 by Survivor79: Hi! I was just wondering if everyone is still active with the app and if anyone is interested in doing like a little challenge or something? Just to get things going?
Pain when walking 1 messages
Last message on 08/31/23 by HeidiB: I've been walking 4 to 5 days a week for a month now. First I had ankle pain. Doctor gave me stretches. Then I started having shin splints. It won't go away. I've been doing stretches I saw online. It's really starting to frustrate me. Does anyone...
Not getting enough activity 7 messages
Last message on 07/09/23 by Kdberry1957: I understand how that feels. I have often thought the same thing. It hurts when people do that. Through the years I have developed a "so what and don't care" attitude. That applies to people who are mean to me and others. Granted it isn't the...
Losing weight with Fibromyalgia and other chronic health issues. A place to vent, to celebrate small wins (large ones too ). Share your experience, strength and hope. Ask questions, seek/offer support from others who understand what you deal with on a daily basis.