Do you know how much added sugars are poisoning us? How addicted we have become? It is time to finally say "no" to that slice of chocolate cake and say "yes" to our health and overall well-being! Notice the changes after even just a week of cutting out desserts or if you want to be more extreme, added sugars. Take back your mind and body. You can do this. I know you have wanted this for a long time, you are not the only person struggling with the modern diet. The whole reason I created this group, is because I keep slipping up. Keep going back to my unhealthy eating habits, so here is a community, where we can fight our unhealthy habits together. No one said this journey was going to be easy, but no one said you had to do it alone. It gets worse before it gets better. Trust me :) You can do this challenge for a week, a month, a year, forever. You are welcome for as long as you need the support. I believe in you! Now it is time to believe in yourself.
Weight Loss Progress
1 member lost no weight within last week, 1.9lbs within last month, total loss is 3.4lbs.U1195852540 succeeded with personal food calorie plan within last 24 hours.
Do you have a plan for when you enter a situation where there is dessert? 1 messages
Last message on July 15 by U1195852540: I think the hardest part about saying "no" to dessert isn't when I am at home. At home I can eat clean, and enjoy how good I feel. It is when going to social events, that it becomes a real challenge. It always helps to remind yourself why you gave...
NO DESSERT CHALLENGE. Do you know how much added sugars are poisoning us? How addicted we have become? It is time to finally say "no" to that slice of chocolate cake and say "yes" to our health and overall well-being! Notice the changes after even just a week of cutting out desserts or if you want to be more extreme, added sugars. Take back your mind and body. You can do this. I know you have wanted this for a long time, you are not the only person struggling with the modern diet. The whole reason I created this group, is because I keep slipping up. Keep going back to my unhealthy eating habits, so here is a community, where we can fight our unhealthy habits together. No one said this journey was going to be easy, but no one said you had to do it alone. It gets worse before it gets better. Trust me :) You can do this challenge for a week, a month, a year, forever. You are welcome for as long as you need the support. I believe in you! Now it is time to believe in yourself.