Welcome Topic

Being diagnosed with an illness that requires a transplant is challenging in many ways. The emotional roller coaster for us and our loved ones is exhausting. Last year, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney Disease; which rapidly progressed to renal failure and dialysis. I am on the kidney transplant list at all three Mayo Clinics nationwide, hoping and praying or that life-saving call. In the meantime, my nephrologists and specialists want me to lose weight to prepare my body for transplant.
This seemingly simple request presents a great challenge for me. In addition to kidney disease, I have bi-lateral femoral head avascular necrosis. Meaning, because my bones are dying, I can barely walk. The pain is debilitating. I am hoping to have double hip replacement surgery sooner, rather than later.
But, the fun doesn't stop there. I also have rheumatoid arthritis, systemic inflammation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol .... should I go on?
All this to say, I understand. I understand your pain. I understand your frustration. I understand your struggle to lose weight.
If you are looking for an open, honest, no judgement zone; somewhere to share your struggles and celebrate your successes; then you are welcome!
Step out of the shadows and introduce yourself. Together, we can and will make it!
