Whole 30 AccountabiliBuddy Topics

Post here for the whole 30 you're doing for July. There is one special group starting July 10th and going through August 9th.

Weight Loss Progress

2 members lost no weight within last week, 2lbs within last month, total loss is 4lbs.

I overateand feel like i should ocmpensate by not eatign those claories the next day 1 messages

Last message on March 29 by U1198563990: i over ate today and feel like i should pretend tomorroe that i ate those calories but not eat them to ocmpensate for the wight gained so that i "dont gain it"

Welcome to the group 1 messages

Last message on 07/09/23 by J031: Welcome everyone to this group. We're all here to keep each other motivated and on task. Feel free to share recipes, pictures of meals, struggles, and successes.

Whole 30 AccountabiliBuddy. Post here for the whole 30 you're doing for July. There is one special group starting July 10th and going through August 9th.