Newbies Topics


Is premium with the price? 5 messages

Last message on 08/05/23 by AQLTR: When I signed on today a popup said 1 year for 29.00. Might check netdiary website

My Biggest Problem 7 messages

Last message on 08/05/23 by U1194015908: Mmm True

Successfully Lost nearly 10kgs of weight 4 messages

Last message on 08/05/23 by U1194015908: Wow

How to count calories dry or cooked? 5 messages

Last message on 08/05/23 by Pavan: Yeah got it. Thank you Bigannie!!

Macro cycling program issue 2 messages

Last message on 07/31/23 by Dietician: Hi there HeadingToHappy- Sorry to hear you've run into this roadblock. Let's get our support team involved! Simply email a description of this issue and a screenshot and they will help you out. Have a great day~ Joanna...

Macro Cycling 1 messages

Last message on 07/29/23 by HeadingToHappy: Hi, I’m trying to customise the Cycling section but I’m finding it very restrictive. Calories seem to work fine but I also want to cycle carbs on the higher calorie days. It keeps telling me what amounts it MUST be. I don’t see why I can’t specify...


Last message on 07/23/23 by Dietician: Hi there U1195924245- Welcome to MyNetDiary! Strong work on your commitment to walking and improving your health. Remember to be kind to yourself. Losing weight and changing habits is hard work! Putting in the time and energy to track what you are...

My first day need friends 3 messages

Last message on 07/23/23 by Dietician: Hi there U119503111- Welcome to MyNetDiary! Hope you are feeling good and enjoying the app~ We strive to create a safe environment where folks can share their successes and receive support from others on the path to health. Congrats on your...

Do you carry forward unused calories? 3 messages

Last message on 07/22/23 by Peppie: I found counting carbs more effective than WW w. points. Years on WW & kept off weight but managing weight w carbs better bc include fats. I’m no longer hungry.

Keto and electrolytes 2 messages

Last message on 04/12/23 by Dietician: Hi there U1195083160- Welcome to MyNetDiary! I hope your tracking is going well. A keto diet can increase fluid losses especially during the first 2 weeks on the plan. A decrease in carbohydrate intake impacts electrolyte levels. Specifically,...

Newbies. Newbies