Technical Support Topics
Technical Support
Health Connect Calories Totally Wrong 1 messages
Last message on July 31 by U1192679533: After logging several support requests/tickets regarding this issue, I'm making a post here in the hopes that someone from the development team will read this. :) When I do a workout using Peloton or Samsung Health, I get excellent metrics which...
Food grades 3 messages
Last message on July 29 by Dietician: Hi Modobro2000- The Food Grade is an optional Premium feature available on all MyNetDiary platforms. To access it from the mobile app tap on App Settings >Diet Logging >Macros & Nutrients>Show Food Grade. There you will be able to toggle this...
Recipes on website 2 messages
Last message on July 29 by Dietician: Hi Mdobro2000- Premium membership allows you to access the MyNetDiary Dietitian-approved Premium recipes. From your Dashboard, look at the top line (the same line where see your calories, macros). There you'll find a chef hat icon. Tap on this to...
Health Connect problems 2 messages
Last message on July 29 by Dietician: Hi there U1198692996- Let's get our support team involved! They can be reached over email at: I appologize for the delay in getting back with you- This form of communication is being phased out. If you'd like to connect...
Export weight and measurement charts to excel 3 messages
Last message on July 17 by Dietician: Hi Hoppyjr4- Yes it is possible to share your diet/food info with your doctor. From your Dashboard or home screen tap on "My Analysis" >PDF report. There you will see a variety of reports you can email to your provider and a variety of time...
Importing recipe 6 messages
Last message on June 14 by Dietician: Hi Linbarmax- I am sorry for the hiccup~ The app should be syncing between platforms. It should only delay if you go offline, such as losing service temporarily. Make sure you have entered your email in to the app.To check this log in on your...
Autopilot keeps turning off 2 messages
Last message on May 30 by Dietician: Please send a request for help from Support directly from your app. They will be able to see your settings and data to help you. Thanks, Kathy, MyNetDiary Dietitian
Changing plans 3 messages
Last message on May 27 by Dietician: Hi there- Glad you found it! Many people find these videos helpful when starting out with the app: ... Have a great day~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
SSL Certificate 2 messages
Last message on April 24 by Grasburn: They have an App in Google Play sApp Store
nutrients wrong 2 messages
Last message on March 17 by Dietician: Hi U1196788853, Thanks for your question. Are you logging each component separately? Even skinless chicken thighs have some fat (about 5 grams per thigh). If you tap on the fat total on your dashboard, or by tapping the three dots on the top right...
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