Export weight and measurement charts to excel Topic

Is there anyway of exporting the weight charts and measurement charts to excel or at least find the actual data so I can copy it over. I need the actual data points for my weight over the last week, and I cannot get that from the unlabeled charts...

I am looking for a way to share my diet information with my doctor. What I am eating when and the weight lose information. Is there a way to do this?

Hi Hoppyjr4-
Yes it is possible to share your diet/food info with your doctor. From your Dashboard or home screen tap on "My Analysis" >PDF report. There you will see a variety of reports you can email to your provider and a variety of time frames. If you run into any roadblocks please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team via the app. Simply tap on "Me">Support & FAQs > Send Support Request.
BTW: This platform is phasing out. The best way to communicate is through our Community tab on the app. Best, Joanna

Export weight and measurement charts to excel