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replied to Testarosa
Hi Testorosa, you can use the basic chicken item, "Chicken broilers or fryers leg meat only cooked roasted" and then choose "leg" as the portion size. If you want to be exact with the marinade, you can measure the weight of the marinade before you put it on the chicken, and then the wegiht of the marinade left on the plate. The difference is the amount you can log as part of the meal.
More tips on recipes:
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE
replied to Walker
Hi Walker, you can't really tell unless you are also periodically testing your body fat percentage with an accurate device (e.g. underwater weighing, Bod Pod, etc). But one thing folks do is measure their waist, thighs, arms, etc. If the waist is shrinking, then that is a very good sign even if the scale doesn't budge.
If the scale is stuck for over 2-3 weeks, then you might want to double-check your logs for accuracy and completeness, as well as make sure your settings are correct for the estimated calories target. You can read the calories article for more tips:
Let me know if you need more assistance.
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE
CC99712 Jul 11. Is there a way to share a meal entry? If my wife and me eat the same dinner, can one person enter the meal and the other copy it?
MY REPLY: Hi, you can copy recipes and food items from each other if you are friends but I don't think we can copy meals from each other yet. I'll check with Support. That would be a nice feature.
A temporary work around wouuld be to make your current meal a recipe (include the date and meal in name) so that your family member could just copy it from your Community Profile. Once they copy it, they can enter it in the meal area.
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE
Using the desktop and the android version here. I thought that I had seen someplace where you can create a meal or a recipe with multiple items. I am not finding that now. Can you point me to the place?
replied to Golfgame
HI Golfgame, yes, you can create recipes from web program, Android app, iPhone app, or iPad app. They all work the same way - start with an empty meal, enter the recipe ingredients, tap the recipe link at the top of the meal bar (web) or tap the recipe icon (apps) and fill in the fields. Here is a short blog post I wrote about recipes - I think it might answer your questions:
Let me know if you still need more assistance.
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE
FROM: U4200924 Jul 18 I have been on since jan of 2013 . I reached my goal weight last year but this year I seem to gaining no matter what I do. I try to stay around 1300 calories and ave that most of the time. I work out with a trainer 3 days a week. I just don't know what I am doing wrong. Please help. I have gained over 7 pounds in just a year.
MY REPLY: Hi U4200924, I am sorry to hear that you are struggling. If you have gained 7 lbs (and I am assuming you are an adult who is overweight), then you are consuming more calories than expended. That is, you accrued a calories surplus rather than a deficit.
Review how to track accurately, including how to enter settings. This blog post is a great one for basic tips:
General tips:
- Log everything, everyday, including difficult dining out meals. Many restaurant chains are in the database -use the one closest to the item you are consuming
- Weigh & measure as much as possible for an accurate calories intake. Most of us UNDERestimate how much we really eat.
- Understand how the settings affect your target calories. Please read this article for the basics:
- Most important of all is to NOT GIVE UP!
FYI, if you are a healthy teen, then a 7 lb weight gain could be a normal and expected change for growth.
If you want me to look at your data and give you feedback, you can share it with just me by:
- Logging into the web program
- Community tab
- Forum link
- Click my nickname "Dietitian" at the top of this post
- Scroll down to the bottom of my Person Page
- Change your attitude from "neutral" to "friendly"
- Go to your "My Community Profile"
- Go to Information Sharing settings
- Find "Dietitian" row and checkmark all the data boxes. Save.
- Let me know when you want me to view your data.
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE
I never am able to reach the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. Does this mean that I'm malnourished? These amounts seem high. For instance, I'd have to eat the equivalent of seven bananas to get the recommended amount of potassium. I'm assuming that I just need to eat more veggies?
replied to Dietitian
Sorry but this is not at all clear to me. The image shown is for an iPhone. I use Android and a Mac. I don't see where you would add the additional food items for a recipe in the MyFoods area.
Can you create instructions on creating recipes with some screen shots imbedded while doing so on the desktop version for Mac?
replied to Golfgame
Hi Golfgame, I don't have an Android phone or a Mac so I can't do screen shots for you. If you send an email directly to, they should be able to share that with you.
The recipe functionality should still work the same as with iPhone and PC web. Also, you enter recipes right in an empty meal, not via MyFoods area.
1. Start with an empty meal.
2. Enter ingredients (and amounts) as food items in your meal.
3. Tap "recipe"
- Not sure where icon is in Android phone but it is likely visible at the bottom of the app screen, or it is one of the function buttons at the bottom.
- In web program, even in Mac, I believe it looks the same - you tap the recipe link at the top of the meal row.
Please be sure to email Support if your system does not show these features for recipes.
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE
replied to Dietitian
Thanks Kathy, that helps. Now how do I retrieve that again for future meals?
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