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My weight maintenance calories are around 2500. I'm barely eating 1600. Will this affect weight loss and muscle gains? I think I've been eating way too little.


I'm having a problem with the weight goal I'm trying to achieve. I weight lift but want to lose body fat. I'm keeping my protein levels high to try and avoid losing too much muscle mass. I have entered into MND how much weight I would like to lose & the date I want to lose it by, but I'm getting conflicting results & I'm going around in circles. I have set my target date & macros to the value I want and its giving the target food calories of 2865, which is fine (I think). But, when I enter the app it tells me that my daily food calories is wrong and suggests a value of around 2490 a day. Could you please tell me which one you would suggest? It's driving me mad and I can't seem to find a solution.


Hi Cat1985, your calories target seems a bit high. Check your overall activity level in My Plan or Account - if you log exercise, then you should probably be using "sedentary." Also, don't log activities of daily living. If you account for exercise in your activity level instead of logging exercise, then be sure to read the activity level descriptons - most of us have trouble even getting low active every day of the week.
Be sure to read the calories article and let me know if you need more help:

Most adults trying to lose weight would do just fine on 1600 kcal - that is not too low. 1200 kcal is considered the lower level for caloric intake - a level that can still meet nutritional needs with good planning.

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Hi U6801475, I suspect your estimated calories intake is likely too high due to your settings. But also, know how to read the calories statements - they should be consistent across platforms.

Here's the calories article:

Do you want to give just me access to your data so I can help you troubleshoot? You can do this by:
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- Find "Dietitian" row and checkmark all the data boxes. Save.
- Let me know when you want me to view your data.

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Hi Kathy,

Thanks for getting back to me. I have adjusted the settings that you asked - would you just be able to have a look if you get a chance please?


Hi U6801475, I looked at your data - and just a few recs:
1. You have only been tracking for 5 days - so be patient with the scale movement. Weight varies as much by hydration as anything else. Be patient.
2. Weigh-ins - if you don't do this already, then consider weighing yourself first thing in the morning, before breakfast. That way, it will vary the least from hydration changes with exercise or eating/drinking.
3. You consumed an avg of 245 g of protein per day! That is over 2.6 grams protein/kg body weight. Your body cannot utilize that much protein in a day - you are wasting your money on excessive protein supplementation. Consider shifting some of your protein calories to healthier carb calories - whole grains, fresh fruit.

MyNetDiary uses an equation to estimate one's caloric requirements. There is always error - overestimating one's true calories expended as well as underetimating one's true calories intake. We are not perfect - we just need to do the best that we can in terms of accurate logging.

You need to create enough of a calories deficit over time to lose weight. If the scale doesn't budge in another week, then I would lower your calories intake a bit to see if it helps. You could drop it down to 2200 kcal to see if that pushes it. But be sure to read the calories article too! Let me know how it goes.

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

I am currently 5 months postpartum. I am breastfeeding and supplementing. I keep gaining weight. After I had my daughter I was at 177, now I am 187. How do account for breastfeeding in my daily calories. It says I need to ear 1498 calories a day. I am 5'5".

Hi I am 30 years old and have 4 kids and the youngest is 1, three months ago I got the mirena coil implanted. Since getting it in I have gained one and a half stone! I have recently learned i have also gained a large cyst on my ovary due to the coil! I have been training in a HIIT class for the past 6months for 5 days a week but since getting the coil in I am going back in progress!! I have now installed this app to watch what I eat to rule out food weight gain!! Could you please tell me what I could do to turn myself around so I can get to my goal weight of 9.7 stone! Ps before I got the coil in I weighed 9.13 and I now weight 11.4 please help

Hi GatorEducator, great that you are about to start using MyNetDiary to help you gradually lose weight while breastfeeding. Some notes that you might find helpful:

1. There are calories burned from BG as well as increased RDA for certain vitamin/minerals. If you have Maximum membership, you can customize and track the nutrients that have a higher requirement. You can find those in the DRI calculator:

2. Accounting for BF calories as exercise.
According to the Institute of Medicine, breastfeeding (lactation)calories are:

Baby 0-6 months: 330 calories per day
Baby 7-12 months: 400 calories per day

You can add those calories to your daily exercise log by either adding a custom activity or simply using the generic calories item.

3. Gradual weight loss during breastfeeding is safe but you don't want to go too low in your calories or fluid intake. I typically recommend that women simply use the calories burned from breastfeeding and exercise to generate the calories deficit and not try to lose weight any faster.

4. Be sure you understand how the calories settings work at MyNetDiary and use the Daily Analysis statement to get the bottom line. Use sedentary overall activity level, log only exercise above and beyond activities of daily living, and be sure to log your BF calories daily. This article will be helpful - be sure to read it:

Let me know if you need more assistance.

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Hi Workhard06, I'm sorry to hear of your weight gain and cyst. But consistent/accurate tracking and persistence will allow you to control calories so that you CAN lose weight, with or without hormonal birth control.

My recommendation at this point is to learn how to track accurately and know how to use MyNetDiary - the ins and outs.

Here are some articles that you should read and then let me know what type of direction would be helpful next:

Calories & weight - a must read:

Measuring & estimating portion size - a must read:

Tips & tricks for losing weight:

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

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