Low Carbers Topics
This team is for those of us looking to lose and maintain weight through a low carb lifestyle.
New to the Group 14 messages
Last message on January 19 by Born2Pizza: you loose water only in the first week
Vitamins? 4 messages
Last message on January 19 by Born2Pizza: Hello everyone. Regarding vitamins, I found out that synthetic vitamins should be avoided and they are plenty in the market. This is one of the pharmaceutical companies tricks that uses chemicals to make vitamins. I was shocked to find out that the...
Best low carb snacks, Please write YOUR ideas here too to also help people! 3 messages
Last message on 12/12/17 by OldandGrumpy: ... A bit tasteless but does make a base for sandwiches
Anyone still here? 5 messages
Last message on 02/18/17 by U5232345: newbie here looking to lose at least 40 would love to lose about 60, tried lchf for awhile and fell off the wagon want to refocus and start again. need the group support.
Snacks 8 messages
Last message on 01/29/17 by ChrisScheig: If you like yogurt - Try Kroger store brand "Carb Masters"
Setting carb limit on app? 4 messages
Last message on 01/29/17 by ChrisScheig: This original post is very old, but I had a similar problem when I joined last year. I found out I needed to buy a higher level than the free app to change my macros. I think is is worth the money.
Keto style eating plan 2 messages
Last message on 11/23/16 by RenaeB: Hi I'm 38 and 5 6" tall. I'm also about 300 pounds.
What's on your menu today? 3 messages
Last message on 11/23/16 by RenaeB: I had lamb loin chop broccoli and cauliflower purée and beans
Back to watch my macros 1 messages
Last message on 11/23/16 by RenaeB: Hi all I'm back to lchf, 6th week in Successfully combining intermittent fasting with lchf. It's going well. I've lost 9.3 kg since in 6 weeks. I reActivated my account to track my Macros.
I am new 2 messages
Last message on 11/29/13 by RenaeB: How's your plan going?
Low Carbers. This team is for those of us looking to lose and maintain weight through a low carb lifestyle.