Low-Carb Diet Topics
Discussion of low-carb diets
Calorie deficit 4 messages
Last message on 01/10/23 by Dietician: Hi U1194057476, A calorie is simply a measure of food energy. Body weight will go up, down, or stay the same, depending on how many calories you consume relative to the calories you need to support metabolism and exercise-your weight maintenance...
Low carb macro settings? 10 messages
Last message on 01/09/23 by Dietician: Hi Trulyhiz53, Congrats on your weight loss. Here are expert strategies and tips from others about successfully maintaining lost weight. Thought you might want to read in advance to make a plan for keeping off that lost weight....
Protein for Gaining Muscle 4 messages
Last message on 01/09/23 by Dietician: Hi U1193857678, Great question! Sports nutrition experts advise healthy people without kidney disease should strive for intakes of 0.8 grams of protein per pound body weight when trying to build muscle. Here are some excellent expert articles to...
Healthy fats 7 messages
Last message on 08/04/22 by Annonthemove: Yes, that’s very helpful. Thank you for all of the information.
Low-carb breakfast 14 messages
Last message on 08/04/22 by Dietician: Hi JeffG, I looked at Magic Spoon Fruity Cereal online and also, in MyNetDiary to compare the net carbs (I wasn't sure which flavor you were logging). I think the problem is that MyNetDiary doesn't have an algorithm to account for subtracting...
Ex-ANA 3 messages
Last message on 08/03/22 by Dietician: Hi 2manyMs, if you are trying to recover from an eating disorder, then I strongly urge you not to use MyNetDiary or any other calories tracker right now. Instead, work with a trusted behavioral health/mental health provider who specializes in...
HIIT… is it worth it? 3 messages
Last message on 08/02/22 by Zumbabear: Depends what is your goal.
Net Carbs and Total Carbs 2 messages
Last message on 08/01/22 by Dietician: Hi there U1192823561- Thanks for reaching out, we are happy to help! In addition to tracking net carbs (total carbs – fiber and sugar alcohol grams) you can also track total carbs on Keto which is nice, though it sounds like it is causing some...
How to Exclude Carbs from Exercise-add but keep adding Kilojoules? 2 messages
Last message on 07/17/22 by Daniil-Support: Hello Sean. That is not possible at the moment because your KJ budget is calculated from your macronutrients. With the budget increase, targets for macros will increase slightly. From what I can see in your case, your carbs have not passed 50g....
omg 1 messages
Last message on 07/17/22 by U1192700422: today i am sleeping i will write tomorrow 🤪😜😝
Low-Carb Diet. Discussion of low-carb diets