Living with diabetes Topics
Have you been told you have diabetes, pre-diabetes, "a touch of sugar," high blood pressure, abnormal lipids, insulin resistance or other health problems related to being overweight? Let's get together, share the challenges, lose that belly fat and get healthier.
I'm Struggling 2 messages
Last message on 07/05/23 by SheriMc: Get off low carb it only hurts us as diabetics. Yep I said that and after 30 years of suffering with type 1 diabetes and eating or trying to eat low carb I finally found the truth. Read Mastering Diabetes it changed my life and I no longer suffer...
October 16 215 4 messages
Last message on 01/22/23 by SheriMc: Welcome! This app forums has a lot of bugs. I typically don’t come out here. Their app though for tracking is the best I’ve ever used and I’ve used a lot.
Newbie Type 1 Diabetes, Male, 45 yrs old 4 messages
Last message on 01/22/23 by SheriMc: This is the life of all diabetics. I’m my own science project. 🥴
Diabetes Tracker by MyNetDiary 5 messages
Last message on 01/22/23 by SheriMc: Welcome back Paul! I am also Type 1 and have been using Medtronics pump for 22 years. Now I use the Libre3 love it. This tells me my blood sugar ranges but doesn’t talk to my pump unfortunately. I’ve completely changed how I eat from reading...
Sample meal plans 3 messages
Last message on 01/22/23 by SheriMc: Just join Pinterest you’ll find everything you’ll need there.
Mastering Diabetes 5 messages
Last message on 01/22/23 by SheriMc: Yes @Mindy1065 Mastering Diabetes is for all Diabetes not a specific type only.
Insulin Resistant 2 messages
Last message on 03/26/22 by Tink61195: Hi there. Can I recommend you check out Mastering Diabetes. There is a podcast and book. It was life changing! I eat unlimited ‘non processed’ carbs and low fat. I cut out Animal products and I have managed to stay off any medication. The podcast...
Newly diagnosed pre-diabetic feeling overwhelmed 6 messages
Last message on 11/01/20 by TemLucy: Hello My name is Lucy & I’m new to mnd. I’m having a bit of trouble navigating this app. For instance, how do I find meals/recipes & get started in general ? I greatly appreciate the help.
Hello! Anyone out there? 12 messages
Last message on 09/11/19 by OldandGrumpy: Those are good results and hopefully you have maintained them.
Carb Counting 17 messages
Last message on 05/24/18 by JohnMP: Use the measurement called glycemic index to help you consider the potential impact of a particular food (carbohydrate) on your blood glucose. Basically the glycemic index is a statement of how quickly the food can be converted into sugar and...
Living with diabetes. Have you been told you have diabetes, pre-diabetes, "a touch of sugar," high blood pressure, abnormal lipids, insulin resistance or other health problems related to being overweight? Let's get together, share the challenges, lose that belly fat and get healthier.