Do the recipe icons have names? Topic
I add a lot of my own recipes, and it's useful to choose an icon so that 'View Recipe' has a photo. e.g. if you choose the 'fries' icon, you get a photo of fries.
But in the 'Select Icon' screen, the tofu looks just like the sugar cubes, which looks just like the cornbread! It's impossible to tell what they represent just from the icon.
Could the icon's name be displayed below the icon in 'Select Icon'? Or at least on mouse-over, or as alt-text, or something? It's quite poor accessibility to have all these pictures with no text on them.
replied to Geeoharee
Hi there Geeoharee-
Great question and request! I am not sure if the icons have names listed somewhere. I will pass along this feedback to our developers and let you know if a list already exists. Have a great day~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
Hi, I have a related question - could we somehow sort the icons? I go crazy whenever I have to find an icon. For example, I see the icon for pepperoni, but I CANNOT for the life of me find the icon for deli chicken. The existing deli chicken in the database used this icon but somehow now it doesn't exist? It would be great if we could search/sort through the icons in any way. Or at least make them close to each other by food type.
Hi U1193078650,
Thank you for your suggestion. I will pass your request on to our developers for consideration. They are always open to suggestions for app improvement. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
Do the recipe icons have names?