Craving sweets Topic
Make anything sweet but use xylitol instead of sugar. It’s by far the best sugar substitute. Derived from plants, takes exactly like or better than sugar, no artificial ingredients, no calories and it’s actually good for your teeth.
Order it online at iherb or get it from a supermarket. It’s a bit more expensive than other natural sugars but that’s because it’s actually good for you.
Dentists even sell xylitol candy to children now as it is good for kid’s teeth and it’s even in some toothpastes.
You can make any kind of low fat dessert with it like custard or even cake and biscuits. The best cakes to make are the ones with minimal carbs. If you have to eat carbs eat complex carbohydrates
I started losing weight about 4 months ago and I have already lost about 50 kills and now have a very lower BMI and don’t like eating as I don’t want ti be chubby again.
Always remember it’s fine to treat yourself just do it in moderation. The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest one. The keto diet is stupid
I always crave sweets so badly. I love candy like crazy. I definitely have an addiction to sugar. My favorite is those little smarties candy rolls. They are so good. I did not buy them this week because they did not carry them and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. This way the candy wasn't even there this week to eat. But I was eating kind of a lot of twizzlers. But yesterday I was able to avoid candy, but it was really hard. I had fruit instead and a couple nutrigrain bars. They are better for you than candy and cookies. Today I had pumpkin pie, 2 candy canes and some of those werthers caramel chewies. So, basically, again I had too much sugar, but believe it or not, I still managed to eat less sugar today than I normall do. So, I need motivation and will power to avoid too much candy.
replied to DIABADASS
I am pre-diabetic and am not supposed to have too much sugar. I managed to avoid candy yesterday after forcing myself to have fruit instead and a Nutri grain bar, but today I was not so successful. I had 2 candy canes and some caramels. And obviously since it is Thanksgiving, I had pumpkin pie with cool whip. Way too much sugar again. At this rate I will end up with type 2 diabetes for sure. I am always eating too much sugar, but somehow, I amazed myself and still managed to eat less sugar today that I was eating before yesterday. Believe it or not. So now I just need will power and motivation.
I know the struggle of trying to cut back on sugar. I think the trick might be to hide the sugar some where I can't see it. So, I will do just that. Tomorrow I will hide my candy so I can't see it. I hope you will be successful in your venture of not eating too much sugar. I know it can be hard. Got any advice for me? It seems you may have been at this longer than I have so I am just curious if you have any tips?
Success so far today in not eating any candy. I have such a heavy addiction to candy. When I see it in my room and usually want to eat it and often do. I would have my favorite candy right next to me all day and would eat A LOT of it. I was eating so much sugar that I was afraid after a while that I would become type 2 diabetic. Right now I am prediabetic. I have been told that it is not too late. That I may not actually become fully diabetic if I try hard enough. But it is so hard to cut back on candy for me. I LOVE candy, especially those smarties candy rolls. They are my favorite. I would eat at least a dozen rolls a day at one point, but now, today, I have not had any because the store did not have them, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. So, now I need more will power to keep resisting candy.
replied to MelissaAnn
Hi MelissaAnn,
I am sorry you are struggling! Have you reached out to friends or a counselor for help? In general these tips can reduce the candy cravings:
1. Eat regular and balanced meals, do not skip. This article can help you build a balanced meal:
2. When eating your meals make sure to include some lean protein. The above article lists some common protein sources.
3. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will help you feel your best and help avoid the candy.
4. Learn what triggers the cravings. This article offers some tips to manage cravings:
Please keep us updated. You've got this! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
So far this week I have had way less candy. I haven't had any candy in a few days. I suppose I should admit that I allowed myself to run out of candy. Maybe I shouldn't buy any when I go shopping next. I just love candy so much especially those little smarties candies. I have to resist though. I managed to just have a nutrigrain bar instead of candy. It helped with the cravings.
i find when i eat more protein as a first meal, i tend to have less cravings for sugar.....
replied to Vegasxavi80
Hi there Vegasxavi80- Thank you for sharing your experience. Protein takes longer to digest, meaning we stay full or satisfied for longer. I find the same thing! This time of year it is especially important to prioritize protein with so many holiday treats and candies around. Did you know we have a FB and IG page as well as community on the iPhone and soon Android mobile apps. Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian).
Craving sweets