Hit my first 1,000! Topic
Finally ate 1,000 calories in one day. For reference I only eat typically 500-800 calories a day, but am working up to a normal amount, or at the least my BMR while I’m working out daily.
Wish me luck, and pray I have the will to up the number a bit as time goes on. ✨
replied to Kapp’n
Hello again Kapp'n-
Not sure you saw my other responses to your posts so I am retyping....
I am sorry to hear you are struggling! At age 16, you need to eat more than 500, 800, or even 1,00 calories a day. You are risking short and long-term health issues by restricting your calories to lose weight.
In order to use the app and post on forum you MUST have the approval and oversight of your parents or guardians. Do they know you are posting on this forum and restricting your food to lose weight?
Here are the terms you agreed to when you signed up: https://www.mynetdiary.com/terms.html
Please stop tracking and get help from a professional counselor. It sounds like you are struggling with disordered eating. These resources can help:https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline, https://www.betterhelp.com/
Please know this advice comes from a place of concern. While tracking can be helpful for some people, for others it can trigger an eating disorder. Eating disorders are very serious. We at MyNetDiary do not allow individuals with eating disorders to use the app, as stated in our Terms and Conditions.
For additional information on disordered eating, see this article:
Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
Kapp’n I have been where you are. I only ate 500 calories a day and exercised 6 hours a day. I looked great, got lots of attention then my body started telling me to stop. My periods stopped, I would get horrible headaches and I was constantly obsessed on how to eat less.I was not healthy mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Not something I recommend. Please get professional help, you are endangering yourself. You are young and have so much life to live.
Wishing you the best and know you are not alone.
Godspeed 💕
Thank you for the support, I will try
Yes please remember to eat a good healthy meal and what I mean by healthy is good portions that support your body and health cutting down on your eating is really bad for your badly and it’s better to cut it down bit by bit until you get to your desired level
For a person of 16 years old you should at least eat 1200 at the least. But good job for the increase 😁
Great job Kapp’n on sharing your milestones with us. I personally feel so honoured that you shared. It’s so exciting that you are working toward goals. Don’t lose hope or get discouraged! You got this.
Hit my first 1,000!